Capcom Releases DmC Devil May Cry 5 E3 Trailer


We used the Devil May Cry 4 benchmark for years here at Legit Reviews in our performance testing of PC hardware, so when we heard a new game called Devil May Cry 5 was coming out we had to check out the game trailer. The graphics and the game look pretty good, so we can only hope that they include another in-game benchmark! See the new trailer of Dante in action below.

Set against a contemporary backdrop, DmC will depict a duplicitous world where nothing is ever as it seems and the line between good and evil is constantly blurred. Spurred into action by the promises of a trusted relation, Dante bursts into this world intent on revenge at any cost. DmC will retain the series’ signature mix of sword and gunplay but add additional weapons, all new powers and a revitalised gameplay system as players encounter the game’s devilish mix of enemies and navigate the rich, interactive environment.

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