Capcom Onimusha: Warlords Update Coming in 2019


Capcom has announced that the classic game Onimusha: Warlords will be coming to multiple platforms next year. The game will be remastered and is due to land January 15, 2019. The update will feature high-def graphics, widescreen support, and a control scheme for analog sticks. The soundtrack will be updated as well.

Capcom is making the game easier with a promised and easily available easy mode option. Players wanting a more original experience can play the game as it was originally designed. The fixed camera angles will remain intact and the camera will pan across scenes in widescreen mode.

The game will be offered digitally for $19.99. Platforms the game will be available on include the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC, and Xbox One. The game originally landed in 2001 and was first a spinoff from the Resident Evil series.

The original promise was a samurai and a ninja working together to save Princess Yuki from demons serving an evil lord. Fans have something to look forward to early next year.