Capcom Announces Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition and New DLC


Capcom confirmed today that a variety of new content for Resident Evil 5 will be available for the Xbox 360 and PS3 next year. Capcom also plans on releasing two new downloadable episodes, a bunch of new costumes, and a new Mercenaries Reunion mode featuring 8 new playable characters and weapon load outs. For more information on Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition and the downloadable content, visit Capcom-Unity.

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition

A little while back we asked you about how you wanted the new content for RE5, and we were definitely surprised to see the results. With that, we have a special announcement: Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition. You’ll be able to pick up all the new content that will be available as DLC in a boxed copy for your PS3 or 360. It includes the original game, as well as the extra content for $49.99. Both PS3 and 360 versions will hit shelves on 3/9/10.

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