AT&T To Cap DSL and U-Verse Internet Plans and Charge Overage Fees


AT&T has announced that it would begin to cap DSL and U-Verse customer data usage and implement new fees for anyone who goes over the limit. Starting in May, AT&T will implement a 150GB monthly cap on landline DSL customers, and 250GB cap on U-Verse high speed internet subscribers. Along with the caps, AT&T will charge $10 per 50GB for overages. AT&T will be kind enough to give users a one-time grace period, but after that, they will be notified when they hit 65%, 90%, and 100% of their limits. Could this be the end of unlimited broadband data use in the United States?

AT&T Data Usage Caps

We just spoke with AT&T representative Seth Bloom and confirmed the whole thing — rates are exactly as described above, and the company will actually begin notifying customers this week. He also told us that those customers who don’t yet have access to the bandwidth usage tool won’t get charged until they do, and that AT&T U-Verse TV service won’t count towards the GB cap.

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