ATI Catalyst 10.8 Video Card Drivers Coming This Afternoon


I just got word that ATI CATALYST 10.8 video card drivers will be released in a few hours! Here is a sneak peak at part of the release notes! Those of you that play StarCraft II will be happy to hear that Anti-Aliasing support for StarCraft II is now available. ATI also managed to squeeze out some performance gains in Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead 2 and Stormrise with these drivers, so be sure to keep an eye out for these drivers later today. The driver also fully supports the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification, so if you happen to be running a web browser that enables 3D accelerated graphics you are in luck. Be sure to check out the forums where I posted up most of the release notes for you to look at. I will be posting a link to the drivers once they go public!

ATI CATALYST 10.8 video card drivers

The following Catalyst application profiles are available with this release of

  • Singularity CrossFire profile update
  • Mafia 2 CrossFire profile update
  • Final Fantasy XIV Benchmark new CrossFire profile
  • Lord of the Rings Online new CrossFire profile
  • Aliens Vs. Predator CrossFire profile update

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