ASUS to Begin Shipping New Intel B3 Stepping 6-Series Motherboards This Week


ASUS has announced that updated Intel 6 series-based motherboards will begin shipping this week if all goes to plan. ASUS is the first motherboard company that we have seen make this announcement and trust us, it is very good to see. ASUS will be placing stickers on the motherboard and the retail box in order for you to be certain if it is a new B3 stepping chipset. You can see an example of the sticker that will be on the motherboard in the image below. You can see all the other ways to tell what board you have by following the permalink below to the forums.

ASUS B3 Revision Sticker

As part of an overall recovery plan following the detection of the Intel 6 series chipset design error, ASUS has implemented various customer support measures, including extensive product replacement and return with additional service hotlines around the world. Based on new information from Intel, ASUS is happy to announce that updated Intel 6 series-based motherboards will begin shipping this week, immediately after the revised design is released by Intel. This fast response aims to prevent any further inconvenience and interruption to customers. Customers who already own potentially affected motherboards may visit this site for product return and replacement details. Additionally, users can easily identify revised products by checking for labels showing New B3 Revision displayed on products and their packaging. The chipset version can also be verified through the onboard sticker, BIOS, ASUS SATA Verifier or CPUIDs CPU-Z utility.

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