ASUS GeForce GTX 560 DirectCU II TOP Video Card Review
Aliens vs. Predator
Aliens vs Predator D3D11 Benchmark v1.03 is a standalone benchmark test based upon Rebellion’s 2010 inter-species shooter Aliens vs. Predator. The test shows multiple scenes from one to hundreds of Aliens using heavy tessellation among other DX11 features.

We maxed everything out on the benchmark meaning 4x AA, 16x AF with SSAO at both 2560 x 1600 and 1920 x 1200 resolutions.

You can see that a GeForce GTX 560, even overclocked, was having a hard time getting to a decent playable frame rate with all the eye candy turned on at maximum 2560 x 1600 resolution. However, at a more common 1920 x 1200 resolution the ASUS GTX 560 DirectCU II TOP provided a very playable 31.3 FPS average.
Benchmark Results: ASUS GTX 560 DirectCU II TOP was 13% and 18% faster than the reference design.
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