Apple’s Proposed HQ Looks Like a Spaceship


Apple’s newly proposed headquarters might spark speculation as to its purpose. A perfect circle, standing four stories tall, that housed 12,000 workers — and bucked convention by burying the parking lots and doubled the trees. Oasis? Maybe a temple? A killer shopping mall? Or maybe a landed spaceship, as Steve Jobs described it to the Cupertino City Council on Tuesday night. Boasting the world’s largest piece of architectural glass, the circular structure would be built on some former Hewlett-Packard property that Jobs’ team bought. The slides of the building begin at around the five minute mark in the video below.

It’s a circle, so it’s curved all the way around, and if you’ve built something, you know it’s not the cheapest way to build something. There’s not a straight piece of glass on this building, and we’ve used our experience making retail buildings, and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world, for architectural use – and we want to make the glass specifically for this building here. We can make it curved all the way around the building. It’s pretty cool.

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