Apple Rumored to Retire iPod Classic


Sources all around the net are reporting that Apple is preparing to kill the iPod classic. For more than 10 years, the iPod Classic has been a staple in the Apple catalog helping to rejuvenate a stalling music industry and move Apple to the lead in digital music hardware. With the anticipated release of the iPhone 5 next week, many think that this may be the end of the road for “classic” which makes up around 7 percent of Apple Computer’s overall revenues.

Apple iPod Classic

Citing an unnamed source, The Unofficial Apple Weblog is reporting that, in addition to unveiling the iPhone 5 next week, Apple plans to discontinue the more dated versions of its music player in favor of sleeker models like the iPod Nano and iPod Touch.

The blog notes that Apple teased a “product transition” during its most recent earnings report.

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