Apple iPhone SLR Camera Lens Mount Now Available


If you happen to own Nikon or Canon DSLR and an Apple iPhone 3 or iPhone 4 we might have found an accessory that you need to add to your Christmas wish list. Photojojo recently released an iPhone SLR Mount. Yes, you can now pair your insanely expensive lens with your smartphone! The Photojojo iPhone SLR Mount is $190 for the iPhone 3 and $249 for the iPhone 4. Shipping starts at $2.50, but that is peanuts compared to the attention this will bring you when you pull this bad boy out at work or play. If you thought an iPhone 4 was a status symbol, this will most certainly bring you up to another level! Just think about how the opposite sex will melt when you are able to adjust the depth of field, without the need of an App that you need to buy!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Ever since the iPhone camera was invented, it’s aspired to be what it simply never quite could be: a DSLR. Sure, apps have helped your camera phone inch forward with simulated focusing and faux filters. Faux no more. The iPhone SLR Mount gives you the real thing. It’ll set your phone photos apart from everyone else’s on Instagram in an unprecedented way (#nofilter)! This case-adapter combo lets you mount your Canon EOS or Nikon SLR lenses to your iPhone 4 giving your phone powerful depth of field and manual focus. Telephoto, wide angle, macro, or your fixed-fifty lenses all attach to this mount giving you a full range of lenses at your iPhone lovin’ fingertips.

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