Apple Event Today – New iPad is Expected


Many around the world are expecting Apple to unveil its newest iPad today at their event in San Francisco. If the rumors are true, this will be Apple’s third-generation iPad coming just 25 months after its initial debut. Many experts say the new and improved iPad 3 (or iPad HD) will have an upgraded screen, possibly 4G connectivity, and faster processor than its predecessors. Right now, Apple has 73 percent of the tablet market selling more than 15 million iPads in the last quarter of 2011 alone. This makes up for around 20 percent of Apple’s total revenue so there is much at stake with the new launch. We found this video online that may indicate what to expect at today’s Apple event:

Apple will reportedly unveil its new iPad 3 or iPad HD, as some suspect it will be called today in San Francisco. Apple CEO Tim Cook, who succeeded the late Steve Jobs, is expected to do the honors.

Invitations to the event were sent to the press last Tuesday, adding to the air of mystery that has come to surround Apple product launches. Against a backdrop of what looks to be an iPad are the words “We have something you really need to see. And touch.” The only other information included in the email were details on when and where the event will take place.

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