Angelbird Wings PCI-Express SSD Card Coming This Month


Angelbird will be releasing the Wings PCI-Express SSD card later this month, which is unique as you can place four user installable SSD drives on it in conjunction with the embedded 16 or 32GB SSD on-board. The developers at Angelbird believed that it was important to somehow move beyond the SATAII 3Gb/sec transfer rate, so they made the switch to the PCIe bus. What makes their Wings PCIe SSD interesting is that it is expandable. The consumer has the ability to simply add/remove one, two, three, or four drives from the card, and add larger and/ or faster drives as they become available or needed. Additionally, the card comes with its own OS called Virtue that will boot on any machine you install the card in. The Angelbird Wings PCIe SSD starts at $239.99 for the unpopulated card, and the cards are available with 1, 2, or 4 of their own Crest SSD transformable expansion cartridges which are SandForce based and 120GB in size. The single drive Wings card is $539.99, the dual drive card is $839.99 and the 4 drive card is $1399.99. The fully populated card has been tested at over 1.02Gb/second for reads and 900Mb/second for writes which is performance not previously seen at this price point, and never previously seen on a bootable PCIe SSD card, let alone an upgradable one.

Angelbird Wings PCIe SSD

Wings ( ) is the first PCIe SSD solution that offers an extra partition that allows the user to put an ISO [disk image] of their OS and any other necessary drivers in a special place that is always readily available, and doesnt rely on optical units says Davide Rutigliano, Founder and Chairman of Angelbird. Until now PCIe SSD solutions have been only available to the enterprise market, or were limited in that they only ran on certain operating systems or were fixed in size. The bootable Wings card changes the game, yet again, by booting on Windows, Linux and OSX, or allows peaceful coexistence and integration of all of the above on the same system, whether it is a PC or a Mac Pro.

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