Analyst: Windows 8 Heading For Massive Fail!


Topeka Capital analyst Brian White has been travelling round Asia, meeting with various supply chain sources, discussing the imminent launch of Windows 8. What he heard is bad news for Microsoft.

The overall sentiment from his various sources was overwhelmingly negative about Windows 8. They believe that the launch will spur initial sales on October 26 and that they will continue for a while into November. However, come December, orders will start to dry up, leaving factories idle.

It’s beginning to look like this will be a fail even more massive than Vista way back in 2007. This situation is in stark contrast to Windows 7, where enthusiasm was running high right from the first beta release and exploded upon release.

Come on Microsoft, just give us our Start button back, return Aero and make Metro/Modern UI optional, then watch as all the negative sentiment melts away and people start to appreciate the many under-the-hood improvements that you’ve made to the operating system and sales take off. Ignore this and Windows 8 is dead in the water.

Although October is expected to be the sweet spot for the notebook ramp for Windows 8, and further follow through is likely in November, we were warned of idle facilities in December. One of our contacts does not expect Windows 8 to be material until the second-half of 2013.

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