AMD Shows Off Working Trinity Powered Notebook Playing Deus Ex


Legit Reviews first saw a Trinity powered notebook back at the AMD Developer Fusion Summit 2011 and brought you photos of the notebook back in June 2011. We already know that the Trinity APU is based on the Piledriver architecture and is due in in the first half of 2012. AMD says that this processor will be 50% more powerful than the Llano APU that is currently on the market. During IDF 2011 the folks from AMD rented a hotel just down the street and showed off a bunch of demos on how they can compete with Intle. The demo we are showing you now is a nodebook gaming demo with the game title Deus Ex. One system was running an Intel Sandy Bridge processor and the other was an AMD Trinity system that was still in the early development stages. Both systems were run at a screen resolution of 1366 x 768 and the AMD system was running it smoothly while the Intel system had some slight stutters and jerks during gaming. Keep in mind that the demo had the Trinity powered system running DirectX 11 w/ tessellation and the Intel Sandy Bridge system was running DirectX 9 w/o tessellation. AMD continues to lead graphics performance, which isn’t a shocker to us!

Piledriver based APUs will be divided into three main versions for specific price-points and markets:

  • Trinity covers the performance segment of the APU line. It will replace the Llano based A8-series.
  • Weatherford covers the upper-mainstream segment. Replacing the Llano based A6-series.
  • Richland covers the lower-mainstream segment. It is to replace the Llano based A4-series.

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