AMD Shows Off Their FX 8-Core Processor at 2011 E3 Expo


While cruising this year’s E3 Expo, we stopped in on AMD’s booth to check out their new FX 8-core processor. Even though they were limited in the amount of information they could reveal, we saw first-hand the raw power of the FX. In the video below, you can see that the processor easily pushed an active Recaro gaming seat and triple HD monitors. We should be hearing more details about this processor in the near future.

AMD shows us their new FX 8-Core processor that is pushing an active VR chair and triple monitors. AMD recently reintroduced the FX brand for PC processors and platforms at this years E3 Expo. The FX brand is associated AMD’s fastest processors and most powerful platforms – those designed for unrestrained PC performance for the ultimate gaming and HD entertainment experiences. In addition, these processors and platforms drive rich visuals for graphics intensive applications and high-resolution AMD Eyefinity multi-monitor configurations.

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