AMD Reintroduces FX Brand w/ Zambezi 8-core Processors


AMD today reintroduced the FX brand for PC processors and platforms at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. AMD FX-branded products will be geared toward enthusiast PCs and HD entertainment aficionados. AMD also announced new members for its Gaming Evolved program, driving the PC gaming experience forward with native HD3D support in Eidos Montreals Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and new collaborations with Bioware, Creative Assembly and Codemasters. The FX brand is associated AMDs fastest processors and most powerful platforms – those designed for unrestrained PC performance for the ultimate gaming and HD entertainment experiences. In addition, these processors and platforms drive rich visuals for graphics intensive applications and high-resolution AMD Eyefinity multi-monitor configurations. The first platform to earn the FX title, the Scorpius platform will feature the now-available AMD 9-series chipset motherboards and AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series graphics cards, plus the upcoming Zambezi unlocked, native eight-core processor.

AMD FX Zambezi Processor Box

AMDs FX brand will enable an over-the-top experience for PC enthusiasts, said Leslie Sobon, vice president of worldwide product marketing, AMD. By combining an unlocked, native eight-core processor, the latest in chipset technology, and AMDs latest graphics cards, FX customers will enjoy an unrivalled feature set and amazing control over their PCs performance.

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