AMD Radeon HD 7770 and 7750 Video Card Reviews
Temperature & Noise Testing
Since video card temperatures and the heat generated by next-generation cards have become an area of concern among enthusiasts and gamers, we want to take a closer look at how the graphics cards do at idle, during gaming and finally under a full load.

We recorded temperatures during several scenarios on each of the cards we tested today and the benchmark results are shown above. The XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Edition had an idle temperature of 30 degrees while the AMD Radeon HD 7770 was slightly warmer at 31 degrees. Firing up Furmark the XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Edition heated up to 67 while the AMD Radeon HD 7770 was 4 degrees warmer at 71 degrees. When running H.A.W.X. 2 for a little bit of gaming action the XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Edition was the warmer of the two at 59 degrees while the AMD Radeon HD 7770 was only 56 degrees.
When we were testing the XFX and AMD video cards we noticed that they sounded completely different, so we took out our trusty sound meter to get some numbers.

With our sound meter placed at the edge of the motherboard we were able to measure a decent difference in decibels between the cards. The AMD Radeon HD 7770 was nice and quiet when running Furmark only hitting 54dBA. At idle the AMD Radeon HD 7770 was sitting quietly in the corner at only 48 dBA and gaming brought it up to only 50dBA. The AMD Radeon HD 7750 was a bit louder when running Furmark hitting 60 dBA. The AMD Radeon HD 7750 idles at the same level as the 7770 does under load, 54dBA. Gaming brought the 7750 sound up to 58 dBA.
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