AMD Radeon HD 7770 and 7750 Video Card Reviews
H.A.W.X. 2

Aerial warfare has evolved. So have you. As a member of the ultra-secret H.A.W.X. 2 squadron, you are one of the chosen few, one of the truly elite. You will use finely honed reflexes, bleeding-edge technology and ultra-sophisticated aircraft – their existence denied by many governments – to dominate the skies. You will do so by mastering every nuance of the world’s finest combat aircraft. You will slip into enemy territory undetected, deliver a crippling blow and escape before he can summon a response. You will use your superior technology to decimate the enemy from afar, then draw him in close for a pulse-pounding dogfight. And you will use your steel nerve to successfully execute night raids, aerial refueling and more. You will do all this with professionalism, skill and consummate lethality. Because you are a member of H.A.W.X. 2 and you are one of the finest military aviators the world has ever known. H.A.W.X. 2 was released on November 16, 2010 for PC gamers.

We ran the benchmark in DX11 mode with the image quality settings cranked up as you can see above.

The H.A.W.X. 2 PC game title runs on what looks like seven threads as you can see from the task
manager shot seen above that was taken on the test system that was running
the Intel Core i7-3960X processor.

Benchmark Results: H.A.W.X.2 was easy work for the new AMD Radeon HD 7000 series graphics cards. All of them were able to hit that magic number of 60+ frames per second with the image quality cranked to the maximum. The XFX Radeon HD 7770 Black Edition was able to average 74 frames per second while the reference design Radeon HD 7770 averaged 66 frames per second and the AMD Radeon HD 7750 managed to hit 60 frames per second.
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