AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta v2 Drivers Released for Windows and Linux


AMD Agent Ruby

AMD has released brand new Beta Catalyst Drivers for your Windows and Linux platforms specifically to enhance Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 gameplay. You can now download AMDs Catalys 13.10 Beta V2 for Windows and AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta for Linux drivers from AMDs support pages here.

In addition to giving support to Battlefield 4 by providing a 32-bit single GPU and CrossFire game profile, the Beta V2 for Windows includes CrossFire profile and frame pacing improvements. The Catalyst 13.10 Beta for Linux includes updates to resolve a number of different issues including Eyefinity desktop system hangs, laptop backlight adjustment, and glClentWaitSync timeout issue. Below is a list of resolved highlights for both Windows and Linux Beta Catalyst drivers.

Head over to AMDs support page to grab up the AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta V2 for Windows driver here, or the AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta for Linux driver here.

AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta V2 for Windows:

  • Includes 32-bit single GPU and CrossFire game profile for Battlefield 4
  • Total War: Rome 2 CrossFire profile update
  • CrossFire frame pacing improvements for CPU-bound applications
  • Resolves image corruption seen in Autodesk Investor 2014
  • Resolves intermittent black screen when resuming from a S3/S4 sleep state if the display is unplugged during the sleep state on systems supporting AMD Enduro Technology
  • Updated AMD Enduro Technology application profiles

o Profile highlights:

Total War: Rome 2

Battlefield 4

Saints Row 4

Splinter Cell Blacklist


AMD Catalyst 13.10 Beta for Linux:

  • Resolved issue highlights:

o System hang up when startx after setting up an Eyefinity desktop.

o Permission issue with procfs on kernel 3.10

o System hang observed while running disaster stress test on Ubuntu 12.10

o Hang is observed when running Unigine on Linux

o AC/DC switching is not automatically detected

o Laptop backlight adjustment is broken

o Glxtest failures observed in log file with forcing on Anti-Aliasing

o Cairo-dock is broken

o Severe desktop corruption is observed when enabled compiz in certain cases

o glClientWaitSync is waiting even when timeout is 0

o C4Engine get corruption with GL_ARB_texture_array enabled