ABC, Netflix Streaming iPad Software Available


ABC has announced the Full Episode Player for Apple iPad. This software gives users the ability to watch programs broadcast by the network, including Lost, Grey’s Anatony, Modern Family, and Desperate Housewives, and others from their Apple iPad. The free application is available from Apples iPad App Store and provides streaming full episodes of ABC shows supported through advertisers. You can also grab the free Netflix App that allows customers who subscribe to the movie rental service to stream all of the content available through the Netflix Instant Watch program direct to their iPad.

ABC iPad Player

“Not sure what time Lost is on next week? The ABC Player allows users to view a daily and rolling 7-day Primetime schedule of ABC programming,” the company said in a press release. “This technologically advanced app is customized to each iPad — it keeps a record of your viewing history and allows you to stop watching a show, then resume right from where you left off.”

The ABC application requires a Wi-Fi connection, and is a 1.5MB download. Users can pre-load the software for their iPad now.

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