Man reads book, Kindle, answers phone … while driving


As if the coffee, makeup, maps, books and food aren’t enough, today’s gadgets are adding to the driver distractions. Cell phones, GPS and dvd players have always been an issue but this guy is taking it to the extreme with using a Kindle, cell phone and apparently reading a book – all while driving. CAUTION: The video contains a few expletives so if you find this language offensive, please do not watch the video (with sound anyway).

Safety advocates are still teasing out cell phone-related traffic accident statistics from the larger distracted-driver category, and now they’ve got another wireless wonder to deal with — the e-reader. Check out this multitasking moron, catching up on his Michael Crichton while cruising down the highway in what looks to be about 4,000 pounds of steel traveling at maybe 60 mph.

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