NVIDIA Claims ATI Cheats on Benchmarks, Again


The folks over at Atomic Maximum Power Computing have published an interesting article today that revolves around video card optimizations and companies cheating. This time around NVIDIA claims that ATI is ‘cheating’ benchmarks and degrading game quality! Gamers don’t like this type of stuff, so Justin Robinson dove head first into checking things out for himself to see if the FP16 Demotion technique that ATI was using was really a hack. I won’t spoil the article for you and give it all away, but head on over and give it a quick read.


From our testing it’s clear that ATI’s implementation FP16 Demotion does affect image quality in games as challenged by NVIDIA. However, the extent and prevalence of it is not universal – from four games, only one showed any real visible influence. On the other side of the coin are performance improvements, which are plentiful in two games from four: boosting performance by 17 per cent at high resolutions, and a still-impressive 10 per cent at lower resolutions. Ultimately the decision to run FP16 Demotion has always been up to the end-user, as the use of Catalyst A.I has been optional since its first inclusion in Catalyst drivers – now many years ago – and as it appears predominantly beneficial or benign in the majority of cases, we’d

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