AMD Radeon HD 6000 Video Card Names Leak – Northern Islands


It has been widely rumored that AMD will be updating their video card series this fall and the cards will go by the Radeon HD 6xxx series name. The rumor mill says that these cards are scheduled for November and for some reason they are calling them Southern Islands. Our own sources inside ATI say that the CPUs are part of the Northern Islands line and it looks like our sources have been correct as ATI slipped in some details on the upcoming GPU’s in CATALYST 10.8 drivers that came out yesterday. The code names for this series include Cayman, Antilles, Blackcomb, Barts, Whistler, Onega, Turks, Seymour, Caicos, and Caspian. If that isn’t enough for you AMD is using GL XT, GL Pro, GL, XT, and Pro suffices.

AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series Video Cards

ATI’s latest driver release, Catalyst 10.8, offers plenty of performance boosts and new features (notably OpenGL ES 2.0, which enables WebGL acceleration in modern browsers). However, Catalyst 10.8 also lists several new and familiar codenames, which most likely refer to Southern Islands products. Interestingly, all codenames are prefixed by “NI”, which might stand for Northern Islands. Some of the codenames divulged are Cayman, Antilles, and Blackcomb.

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