NZXT Site Hackers Talk To Legit Reviews To Share The Whole Story


Late last night Legit Reviews go an e-mail from the person/s who claims to be the NZXT site hacker/s. They wanted the e-mail shared, so both sides of the story get heard after we posted what NZXT stated yesterday here. It sounds like they found the admin login for the NZXT site, go into it by ways not mentioned and had a little fun on the NZXT site to prove that it wasn’t secure. The party claims that no malicious intent in the modifications of NZXT’s website were done and that any alterations that were done were able to be easily reversed. They did say that only four pages had any edits and that one of them is still in its edited state. Click the link below to read the full e-mail if you’d like to see what was said in the full e-mail.


Not too long ago, you heard reports about, as well as on your website reported a “hacking” on the website. The security flaw on the website that allowed access to the administration panel was found by mistake. A user was looking at the NZXT Khaos, and had hit the buy now button to see how much it cost on the NZXT web store. However, when this link was clicked, it did not take the user to the web store, but instead an administration page which allowed access to any part of the website front end(Not to worry about the web store, as that appeared to be a separate administrative entity and therefore personal information should not be worried about, as this information was NOT accessed). The changes made to the NZXT website were not inteded to be malicious, it was more in the intent of proving to NZXT that they have a major security flaw that must be fixed, and also as somewhat of a “prank”, as it is not often you get the chance to play such a “prank” on a large company.

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