Web Browser JavaScript Performance Comparison


Nate is at it again with a roundup of the latest and most used web browsers. In the article he utilizes the Peacemaker benchmark as well as WebKit SunSpider benchmark to analyze JavaScript performance from browser to browser. Read on to see how well the browser you’re using stacks up against its competition, I know I may be changing browsers shortly!

ASUS K42F Notebook Test System

Internet browsers have been making a ton of headlines this week. Just in the past few days we’ve seen IE9 Preview 3, Google Chrome 5.0.376.86 and Firefox 3.6.4 all be released. With Flash 10.1 also coming out this month and HTML 5 taking off we figured that it would be a good time to look at the performance of web browsers again. Last year Futuremark Corporation unveiled Peacekeeper, a free online benchmarking tool for measuring and comparing the performance of common internet browsers. Futuremark claims that the benchmark realistically simulates the load placed on the browser by common JavaScript functions as used by popular, modern web 2.0 websites. It has been well over a year since we have run any browser benchmarks, so we fired up our ASUS K42F notebook (read the review) and loaded a fresh install of Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. We then downloaded all the Microsoft Windows 7 updates with Adobe Flash 10.1 and proceeded to install 13 internet browsers to see how they stack up.

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