New 3D Digital Picture Frame featuring Motion-Parallax


Newsight has developed a new auto-stereoscopic (glasses-free) 3D photo frame that uses image processing software that creates synthetic 3D information. The basic idea is to provide some sort of motion-parallax – so if you peek around a 3D object, you can see what’s behind it (which you cannot do with “normal” 3D displays).

3D Digital Picture Frame

A 3D digital photo frame may seem a bit excessive for even the most all-compassing technology bandwagon, but the folks from Newsight have managed to put a somewhat unique spin on the idea with this frame recently on display at SID 2010. Like some of the company’s other displays, this 3D LCD is auto-stereoscopic — meaning you don’t need any pesky glasses — but it also takes things one step further by supporting what’s known as “motion parallax,” which effectively means you can “see around” an image.

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