Microsoft Reminds You IE6 Is From 2001 and Expired!


In an Australian marketing campaign, Microsoft is urging those using Internet Explorer 6 to upgrade already. “You wouldn’t drink nine-year-old milk, so why use a nine-year-old browser?” asks the Web site urging IE6 users to upgrade to something closer to the front of the fridge. You have to check out the site to believe it!

Internet Explorer 6 was launched in 2001

According to research from Net Applications, IE6 accounts for about 17.6 percent of browser usage worldwide today, with No. 1 IE8 recently picking up steam as people upgrade. One reason for IE6’s continuing use is that it’s built into Windows XP, which remains in widespread use. Windows 7–which, unlike in-between Vista, is showing signs of catching on–comes with IE8 built in. Convincing corporations to change operating systems can be harder though, especially those with in-house applications designed to run specifically with IE6.

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