Graham Hoyland explores the world with Corsair Flash Drives and SSDs


Graham Hoyland is set to become the first man to complete a voyage across the Seven seas and to the top of the Seven summits: a feat that has never been achieved before. Corsair found out about his journey and sent him some Corsair USB 2.0 Flash Drives and Solid-State Drives to use for his trip. Mr. Hoyland made a video during his voyage through the South Sea and sent it over to Corsair. Corsair posted it up the video this afternoon and of course the second we caught wind of it we had to post it up for our readers!

So, you think you put your PC components through some extreme conditions? Maybe you overclock your RAM or CPU a bit. Maybe youve accidentally put your Flash Voyager or Flash Survivor USB flash drives through the wash. Maybe you even dabble a bit in liquid nitrogen. All of this is pretty extreme until you see the environments where famous explorer Graham Hoyland is using his Corsair hardware. Heres a hint Mount Everest.

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