April Fools: Bungie introduces Halo: Reach’s ‘Battle Chess’


Bungie, maker of Halo, announced the studios plans to bring a Chess option to the world of the upcoming Halo: Reach. Narrated by many of the original games executives, the video is very authentic describing how in game mode gamers can suit up and take to the digital chess board in the ultimate strategy game using the games many weapons and animations to slay enemies. Nice job, Bungie!

Bungie set the bar pretty high last year on April 1 and, today, we feel like it has at least met or exceeded it — we’ll leave the final determination up to you. As Bungie would describe Halo: Reach’s included minigame, Battle Chess, it’s a variation on the “longest-running competitive multiplayer game in the world” and just felt like a natural fit for the franchise. Frankly, even though it’s April 1st, we wholeheartedly support this new game mode and if we don’t at least get a special playlist, we’re probably going to throw a tantrum and buy Halo: Reach anyway.

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