EA’s Battlefield BC2 PSA – Friends Really Against Grenade Spam


Last year, Modern Warfare 2 made a controversial splash with its ill-titled spoof video Fight Against Grenade Spam (or F.*.G.S). Yesterday, Bad Company 2 teamed up with NY Yankees pitcher C.C. Sabathia to stand up to and speak out against grenade spammers with a response video: Friends Really Against Grenade Spam (or F.R.A.G.S.). Besides spoofing MW2’s video, the PSA provides useful tips to gamers so we can all help put an end to the shameful waste of grenades and as a team, play together.

Grenade spam affects more than 2,000,000 people worldwide every day. This very special public service message from star pitcher CC Sabathia, with the help of the caring scientists of DICE and Battlefield Bad Company 2, reveals the miracle cure.

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