PC Shipments In US Rise 24% In 4Q On Brisk Holiday Sales


U.S. holiday shoppers snapped up low-priced notebook computers, leading to the strongest quarter of PC shipments in more than a year, according to a new report from research firm IDC. The number of computers shipped to the U.S. between October and December rose a surprising 24% annually, IDC reported Wednesday. Worldwide, PC shipments rose 15.2%. Growth was largely spurred by interest in low-priced computers. No. 2 computer-shipper Acer, in particular, benefited from a surge in sales of mini-notebooks, an emerging class of computing devices sized between smartphones and netbooks.

PC Shipments In US Rise 24% In 4Q On Brisk Holiday Sales

No. 1 Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ), with a 20.7% market share worldwide, outdid the market everywhere but Europe, the Middle East and Africa, IDC reports. It’s take of U.S. holiday shipments was “particularly strong” as was its performance in Asian and Latin American emerging markets. Acer came in second worldwide, with 13.4% market share, the firm said. Dell Inc. (DELL) ranked third, registering overall improvement for the first time after four quarters of declines. Nonetheless, its worldwide shipments market share fell to 12.5% from 13.6% a year ago.

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