More Americans play games than go to movies


A greater percentage of Americans play videogames than go out to the movies, according to a new report published this week.Extracts from the “Entertainment Trends in America” suggests that 63% of Americans have played a videogame in the past six month, compared to just 53% for those going to a movie.

Based on responses from 11,000 U.S. consumers, the study finds 63% have played video games. During the same six-month period, only 53% report going to a movie.

“Video games account for one-third of the average monthly consumer spending in the U.S. for core entertainment content, including music, video, games,” said NPD analyst Anita Frazier in a statement. “While a portion of that share stems from the premium price of console games, were also seeing an overall increase in the number of people participating in gaming year-over-year.”

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