Apple Projected To Grab 40% of Smartphone Market by 2013


A report from Generator Research, a UK market-analysis firm says that Apple’s share of the global smartphone market is likely to grow as high as 40% by 2013, a seismic shift that would unseat Nokia as the world’s No. 1 handset manufacturer. The study said Apple was well-positioned to develop its smartphone into a long-term high-growth business based on its very successful music-platform strategy – namely the iPod and iTunes Music Store.

Generator’s research finds that with cash reserves exceeding $25 billion, 33% gross margins and the iPhone just about to enter its fastest-growth phase, Apple has the resources, competencies and motivation to invest in the mobile sector just at the time when the economic climate is forcing many established players in the mobile industry to cut back on product development. The impact on some incumbent players could be substantial, with Nokia’s share of the smartphone market falling from 40% today to 20% by 2013.

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