Obamas FCC Transition Team Co-chair a WoW Player


The co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s FCC transition team is a World of Warcraft player. Kevin Werbach is not only a legal expert from the Wharton School, but he is an experienced WoW player. Werbach’s WoW experience is an obvious plus to most of those reading this, since online gamers have a major stake in the current Net Neutrality issue.

Last week, President-elect Obama appointed Kevin Werbach, assistant professor of legal studies and business ethics at Wharton, and Susan Crawford, who teaches communications and Internet law at the University of Michigan, to co-chair his FCC transition team. In preparation for his incoming administration, the two, both seasoned Net Neutrality advocates, will be tasked with providing information on U.S. government Internet and telecom policies, along with advising on budgetary and personnel matters.

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