Toshiba To End HD-DVD Format!


In breaking news, reports all around the internet are surfacing that Toshiba is planning on throwing in the towel and conceding the High Definition format war to Blu-ray and its backers. The Associated Press reports that the Kyodo News agency in Tokyo said the announcement of the withdrawal could come as early as today. This comes after a late Friday announcement by Wal-Mart, the largest U.S. retailer, said it will sell only Blu-ray DVDS and hardware and no longer carry HD DVD. In 2008 alone, Blu-ray Discs have outsold HD-DVD by a whopping 77% to 23%.

The report cited unidentified individuals from the industry as saying Toshiba Corp. is reviewing its operations, with the timing of the withdrawal to be decided later, depending on U.S. demand for its HD DVD products and other factors.

Calls went unanswered at Toshiba Corp.’s Tokyo office, which was closed for the weekend.

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