Fortnite The Spy Within LTM Is Underway


Fortnite launched a new limited-time mode yesterday called The Spying Within. Spies have infiltrated several key islands in the game. The goal is to track down the spies and flush them out. Players won’t know who the spy is and go into the mode with limited information.

The playlist features new Spy Within games built by a team of Creators, including DolphinDom, KKSlider, Bunni_, Wert, Blanky, jstKamui, MackJack, Ritual, and Snownymous. Every few days during the LTM, a new Spy Within game showcasing the work of the creators will be added.

Those who complete The Spy Within Challenge Pack will unlock exclusive event content, including a skate deck variant and more. Everyone who plays the LTM will start only knowing which team they are on. The identity of all other players is hidden. Two players, known as The Spies, try to eliminate other players without revealing their identity.

The Spies have to eliminate the other players before the players complete their objectives. The other eight players are The Agents and work together to identify Spies and vote them out before the spies eliminate the other players. Agents gather gold coins earned by completing objectives to win. Players are unable to speak to each other in voice chat unless they are in a Meeting. Meetings can be called when players spotted a character or are suspicious of another player.