Borderlands 3 Glitch Gives Up the Good Stuff


Players of Borderlands 3 have discovered a glitch in the game that allows the farming of legendary items very quickly. Now that the glitch is public, you can bet that Gearbox will be fixing it soon. The location spawns guaranteed loot.

The location is also easy to find and farm with each run said to take only five minutes. This exploit will certainly give players an edge in the game and will be patched. The process starts with putting the difficulty to Mayhem 3 reports PC Gamer.

That increases the chances of finding rare loot. Settings of Mayhem 1 and 2 will work but are less efficient. Then go to Jakob’s Estate on Eden -6 and head to the marked location on the map image above.

You will want weapons that do shock damage and another that burns flesh to wear through the over the shield and melt the enemy there before the bandits beat you. The defeated minion will spit out some legendaries, and there are more in a bag he leaves behind. Going again requires you to return to the Estate fast travel point, quit to the menu, and load back in.