Fortnite Ghost Portal Back Bling Changes with Kill count


A new back bling is available in Fortnite and it is called the Ghost Portal back bling. This is the first back bling that interacts with the player’s kill count. This back bling glows more and gives a larger trail while moving as more kills are gained.

The first glimpse at this back bling item came in a leak a few months back during Season 5 of the game. The bling is bundled as a challenge reward item for Fortnitemares’ 2018 Skull Trooper skin.

It will be cool to see cosmetic items in the game become more interactive. Word is that ghosts can be seen leaving the portal reports Fortniteintel.

Unlocking this item is possible by completing Skull Trooper challenges or playing in 20 matches this week. Players will certainly want to land this back bling. Some gamers who had the original version of the Skull Trooper skin arent happy that the skin has returned, but those having the original do get a new purple version of the skin.