Mario Kart 8 Players Fighting with Lag and Disconnects
Nintendo Switch gamers who love Mario Kart 8 are fighting with some very annoying issues that affect the game. Those issues include frequent disconnects and lag in multiplayer mode. The lag issue makes the game particularly frustrating according to some gamers.
The problem is that in Deluxe for the Switch that the way lag is handled appears to have changed according to Kotaku. In the original game the player had to see items hit them for the hit to register. In MK8 Deluxe players can be hit by things that they don’t see coming.
One gamer described the issue he sees frequently, “Far too often I will land a hit on an opponent, usually with a visual cue that it landed, like my character cheering, only for the player to continue on like nothing happened and, in battle mode, no points being given to me. In races I will see coins fly out of a character alongside my cheer, but the driver will continue ahead and win a race that should be secured for me, yet it seems like everything always hits me with no issues. I dont know what my hits look like on their end, but I doubt they have any idea that Im even attacking them.”
The disconnect issue is thought to stem from the peer-to-peer connections that the online multiplayer mode uses. This is thought to be linked to a bunch of new players coming over that have bad internet connections. This leaves lots of players seeing an error screen that says “A communication error has occurred.”
The lag and disconnects are so bad that some are looking forward to Nintendo moving to a paid online service later in 2017 to fix the issues.