Crucial Releases 040H Firmware For m4 SSD Series


Crucial just sent over an e-mail letting us know that they have released a new firmware for their m4 SSD series that offers a number of performance improvements and minor bug fixes. The new 040H firmware is available for the 2.5″ SSD and 04MH firmware has been released for mSATA drive users. Both are optional updates, but include faster boot up times, improved TRIM and better power management. You can read the 040H update guide that includes release notes here and can download the new firmware here.


Version 040H includes the following changes:

  • Improved robustness in the event of an unexpected power loss. Significantly reduces the incidence of long reboot times after an unexpected power loss.
  • Corrected minor status reporting error during SMART Drive Self Test execution (does not affect SMART attribute data).
  • Streamlined firmware update command for smoother operation in Windows 8.
  • Improved wear leveling algorithms to improve data throughput when foreground wear leveling is required.

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