Steam ‘Community Market’ Goes Beta – Real Money-Based System


The Steam Community Market has opened in beta yesterday, allowing Steam users to buy and sell in-game items. Players can now use Steam Wallet funds in the purchase and sale of in-game items. Sale items can be listed on the Community Market page or on players’ personal inventories. According to Valve, the Community Market is designed “to expand the Steam Economy beyond trading” and will allow players to show off items in the Steam Community in order to sell or trade their items. Items sold will be subject to transaction fees. The new service is an evolution of the trading service that began in Team Fortress 2. More can be found out about the Steam Community Market on this FAQ page.

Steam Community Market

“With over a half million trades made every week, the trading system has been very successful,” said Valve’s Tony Paloma. “Extending game economies beyond trades and giving players a way to turn gameplay into funds for new items and games is a key component for moving that success forward.”

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