Apple iPad Sold At Texas Gas Station Was A Wrapped Mirror


Jalonta Freeman of Arlington, Texas was approached by a stranger at a gas station, selling what he claimed to be a brand new $800 iPad, for just $200. Freeman and her family did not want to miss out on an offer they thought seemed great, so they gave him cash for the tablet, and the man quickly drove away. When the package was finally opened, the Freeman family discovered the elaborately wrapped “iPad” was actually just a mirror about the size of a tablet. Is it just me or was the mirror a the perfect substitute in this scam? Now this woman can see what a sucker looks like the second she figured out it was a scam! Then again buying stolen merchandise is never a good idea anyway and you usually get burned or end up in jail! Check out the video below for a good laugh! Amazing what one can do with a mirror, duct tape and a print out of an ipad with a Best Buy label on it.

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