Battlefield 3 Gets ‘Epicenter’ Multiplayer Disaster Map in Aftermath DLC


Back in July, we reported on the Aftermath DLC for Battlefield 3, coming out this December. Not much was known about its content, but now it has been revealed in BF3’s Battlelog, that a great multiplayer map called “Epicenter”, will be included in it.

Designed by Pontus Ryman, Level Artist at DICE, the map will be set in an earthquake-torn city block, with massively damaged buildings and rubble strewn everywhere. Now, not only is this a great map, but earthquakes will go off at random intervals, which will shake the player, making it hard to aim. It will also have other features designed to add realism, such as car alarms going off, dogs barking and debris raining down from above. The flythrough below gives a taste of what’s to come – and it looks awesome! Full details about this map are available at the link below.

To push the theme even more, I wanted something unique in the level that really was specific not only in comparison to the other maps in the expansion pack, but to all other multiplayer maps in Battlefield 3.

In the single player experience you get to play as an earthquake goes off. I absolutely loved that and wanted it in Epicenter as well. I really wanted to bring it close to the player and not only be heard in the background. I decided to take the audio and trigger setup for an earthquake shake from one of the single player levels into Epicenter as a test, and it worked better than expected. With help from the audio team, effects artist and designers, we turned this idea into a full level specific feature, where the player gets to experience an ongoing aftershock while in multiplayer.

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