SUPERHOT – FPS Game That Only Moves When You Move
A Kickstarter campaign for an interesting new FPS PC/Mac/Linux game title has been launched, but there is a twist. The game, called SUPERHOT, is unique in the sense that it is a first-person shooter (FPS) where time progresses only when you move, making each level a deadly puzzle. Unique right? You can even try out the SUPERHOT technical demo to get a feel for how this works for yourself here. You’ll need to install the Unity Web Player plugin to play it though. The game looks pretty neat and it does support the Oculus Rift!
“It all began in August 2013 during the 7 Day First Person Shooter game challenge, where we decided to make something that really stood out in the genre. Our concept was a title that felt dynamic and satisfying, while not requiring superhuman reflexes. Something like a game of real-time chess, except that all the pawns are out there to murder you.”
The Superhot developers are looking to raise $100,000 by June 14. They were able to raise $100k in a single day and already have raised more than $103,508. The current plan is to launch a beta version of the game for PC, Mac and Linux within one year of a successful Kickstarter campaign. It looks like SUPERHOT will become a full blown game title!