Samsung Joins HTC in Suing Apple Over 4G LTE Patents – iPhone 5 to be Banned?


Following Apple’s huge patent win against Samsung last August, HTC recently launched a lawsuit against Apple over 4G LTE patents that it holds, potentially giving Apple a taste of its own medicine. It now turns out, according to industry sources, that Samsung will join HTC by filing a separate action, also over 4G LTE patents. Either or both lawsuits could potentially see Apple’s current iPad and upcoming iPhone 5 banned due to these patents. Also, since both companies are suing Apple over the same thing, it makes it more likely that they will prevail.

At its heart is the fact that while the old 3G patents are covered by FRAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) terms, 4G LTE patents are not, since they are new and highly valued. Therefore, it looks like Apple has not made the proper licensing arrangements to use them, or in other words paid lots of money to the patent holders. This should get very interesting.

“It’s true that Samsung Electronics has decided to take immediate legal action against the Cupertino-based Apple. Countries in Europe and even the United States Apple’s home-turf are our primary targets,” said an industry source.

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