Apple takes aim at Samsung’s Galaxy S III phone


With their recent win over Samsung in a U.S. Federal court, Apple has now asked the court to block sales of even more Samsung devices – including the incredibly popular Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note. Last month, a jury awarded Apple a little over $1 billion (US$) in damages after finding that Samsung had infringed on some of its patents. Apple at the time asked for a permanent injunction against eight Samsung phones to be decided in court in December. This new complaint filed on Friday, claims Samsung is infringing on Apple patents in 21 new smartphones, media players, and tablets that Samsung has recently released or plan to release in the upcoming year. Google Android-powered smartphones have outsold iPhones by about 3 to 1. For example, less than three months after the Galaxy S III debuted, the Samsung phone has already topped 10 million in global sales.

Apple iPhone v. Samsung Galaxy S III

Apple on Friday amended a complaint, filed originally in February, to include four more products to a list of Samsung gadgets that the Cupertino, Calif., tech giant says infringes on its patents. The list now includes the Galaxy Note smartphone as well as the Galaxy S III. In the complaint, Apple accuses Samsung of filling “the market with copycat products.”

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