Apple & Samsung Legal Bills Come To Light


It seems Samsung not only owes Apple a large sum of money, it also owes its lawyers a large sum as well. Both companies piled up some sizable bills to say the least, with Apple paying $116,668.50 for 232 hours of work by its attorneys.

Apple Legal Costs

Apple Legal Costs

Meanwhile Samsung attorneys spent $258,200.50 total. Now add to the fact that Apple’s bill will likely land in Samsung’s lap and you get a potential cost of $1,050,374,869 for the trial Samsung recently lost. Now the next question is where is that money coming from. It’s simple really, the consumers pocket. According to Kit Guru, a report by research company iSuppli shows Samsung’s profit margins at least in the from of the Galaxy Note 10.1 is 54%. This means Samsung’s profits are high enough that if a product is priced at more than 100% of its manufacturing cost, that money is essentially going directly to Apple according to iSuppli.

Samsung legal Costs

Samsung legal Costs

Granted the goal of a business is to profit, but with margins like these it seems Samsung won’t feel anything more than a slap on the wrist. Then again, in an article on techdirt it seems that jury misconduct could have contributed to Samsung’s loss and as such could make all the difference in an appeal.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Profit Margin

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Profit Margins

In summary, while the cost of the trial may seem large, Samsung’s profits are large enough that it will barely feel a thing and should they win an appeal aided by the former jury’s misconduct they will be sitting in a good position with extreme profit margins that some companies can only dream of. Now we just have to wait until the next Samsung vs Apple lawsuit kicks off in 2014.

The case is the main one between the two tech giants, which are once again set to go to trial in a separate, but closely related case about patents and portable devices that begins in 2014. In the meantime, Apple has laid out which of the devices from this trial that it wants banned from sale in the U.S.

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