Windows 8 Running on 30,000 PCs Inside Microsoft


Are you curious if Windows 8 is ready for deployment? According to a recent MSDN blog post, it appears that Microsoft employees have been running and working with Windows 8 and IE 10 on their computers since mid-July. Microsoft calls this process “dogfood” as they are eating their own dogfood. Through this program Microsoft was able to collect valuable data and feedback from employees. Last week Microsoft announced that they had reached the release to manufacturing (RTM) milestone of Windows 8, so we can only hope the 2 weeks that the employees got to “dogfood” the software was enough time!

Windows 8 Start Screen

Were currently dogfooding several products and services, but the most interest is with Windows 8 and IE 10 Release Preview. As of mid-July we had more than 30,000 systems and nearly 30,000 employees running Windows 8 and IE10.

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