John Carmack’s Thoughts On Windows 8, RAGE & More @ QuakeCon 2012


John Carmack had alot to say in his presentation at QuakeCon this year. He told the attendees at the show that their is nothing amazing or exciting about Windows 8. Granted this doesn’t carry the same doom and gloom Gabe Newell seems to have, but it does add him to a growing list of developers that are not that keen on Windows 8. Simply put Carmack is happy to just keep on using Windows 7.

John Carmack

Another point during his keynote speech was RAGE and that he was sorry for how “badly we handled the game in the PC space.” As many can remember, the game was plagued by driver issues where half the gamers on PC couldn’t even play the game without some form of driver problem or glitch. One thing that sets John Carmack apart is his ability to actually apologize and admit failures having said, it was “inexcusable” and that “there’s no way to argue our way out of it,” when it comes to the problems that plagued RAGE. Apparently there was even talk of a possible RAGE 2 in order to fix the problems and do it right but it was shelved in order to focus on Doom 4.

Other parts of his keynote speech that were interesting were his thoughts on the OUYA console which he has called a “longshot” but still has a possibility of success. Then of course is the fact that Mac is a viable platform for Id and will become more important later on, just as Linux is becoming more important. This last bit of course is do to the fact that Valve has announced Steam for Linux. It seems that as the OS market shakes up, id and Carmack are preparing to support a larger number of operating systems and technology such as the Oculus Rift and more.

With all that said, the only thing remaining to talk about is Doom 4 and what’s going on with it. To keep it short, Carmacks response was that the game was in “Bethesda mode” meaning it’s done when it’s done. It certainly seems like there is a lot in store for id in the coming year, let’s hope it all turns out better than the RAGE launch.

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Speaking at QuakeCon 2012, Carmack told the audience during his keynote that there is nothing exciting about Windows 8. “Windows XP did everything we needed for quite awhile,” he said, “Hardly anyone at id used Vista.” When Windows 7 came out, Carmack added, it was a bit more attractive because it did some things better and faster, so there is no reason for him to consider switching to Windows 8.

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