Worldwide PC Shipment Growth Was Flat in Q2 2012


Worldwide PC shipments totaled 87.5 million units in the second quarter of 2012, a decline of 0.1 percent from the second quarter of 2011, according to preliminary results by Gartner, Inc. This makes the seventh straight period of anemic growth, amid economic weakness in Europe and waning demand for PCs in favor of tablets, ultrabooks and smartphones, according to an analyst at Gartner.

Worldwide PC shipments

HP held the spot as the number one PC seller, followed by Lenovo, Acer, Dell and then ASUS. ASUS showed the strongest growth among the top 5 vendors worldwide, as its shipments increased 38.6 percent in the second quarter of 2012. ASUSs strong growth came from EMEA and U.S. markets. ASUS did well at diversifying the product portfolio: starting with mini-notebook expansion, then quickly moving to the mid- to high-end notebook market.

Consumers are less interested in spending on PCs as there are other technology product and services, such as the latest smartphones and media tablets that they are purchasing. This is more of a trend in the mature market as PCs are highly saturated in these markets, Ms. Kitagawa said. A big portion of R&D spending has been allocated to Ultrabook development, together with Intels massive investments to establish the market segment. Though Ultrabook was at first introduced in the market in 2011, the major promotion kicked off toward the end of 2Q12 with the IvyBridge, based Ultrabook release. This segment is still in an early adopters stage.

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